Once the evaluation is complete, there will be an IEP meeting held. The process will include the entire IEP team, including parents and guardians, and the student if appropriate. The special education teacher will often be the IEP case manager, but not always. The completed evaluation would then be shared with the school team. However, this process can also be completed by a private agency. The evaluation process is typically completed by the school psychologist and IEP case manager. To qualify for special education, all students must undergo the evaluation process. When starting the goal writing process, the first thing to review is the student’s evaluation report. Okay, we’re done! Now go write some goals… Just kidding! It’s a bit more complex than that! Specially Designed Instruction Collect baseline data within SDI focus area.Determine areas of specially designed instruction, SDI.The most common question around IEP goals is, “HOW DO YOU WRITE A GOAL!?!” The IEP Goal Writing Process: Goals are individualized toward the student and should be areas for growth potential. All students on an individualized education program (IEP) require goals to ensure progress in their education.